So today I went to check out this apartment that I am really into, well there is a wait list oh joy. They are cute the two bedroom is not all that great but the price is right and there is no lease.. So when we get there we find out credit is involed for the most part. Well I have no credit cause I choose not to have a bank account or credit cards.. my boyfriend has not so great credit... and because we have never rented before chances are we wont even get a call back which pisses me off cause someone has to start somewhere and if no one will rent to ppl like me how are we supposed to have experince. We can afford the rent he makes more a month than the rent is priced at. Rental places are so damn pickie about EVERYTHING like give us a break. Keeping my fingers crossed for a call because I really like the place. 30 buildings and 540 units total in a prefect location
I would not mind the trailer park that I looked into but the office lady is being a bitch saying some shit like she can only rent to a minium of 3 people in each trailer.. no children older that 3 years of age due to the fact that the homes sit on a old seweage line apperently... yuh im sure its lies.. A friend of a friend lives there with her Boyfriend and has his two kids there on the weekend.. so we will see
but now i got to go cause my child busted her piggie bank
Keep your head up deary. I am sure things will look up. It's hard to get a place especially with not having good credit or credit at all.