Sunday, February 13, 2011

If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn't thinking.

Yes I am Back, Watch out Now! Life is very amusing these days and people seem to just make me giggle. So I am now expecting my 2nd child Sept 2011. My first is officially off my boobs thank haven. I think I am doing a pretty good job as a first time mommy who is expecting a second. You know what really bugs me though is people who do not have kids who thinks it is okay to just talk shit about you or try and give you advice on something they know little about. Last night I was out with my mom, baby sister and my daughter at A&F. Well anyways Sandra wasn't tired or hungry just went out to dinner and she ate. well she started to throw a fir which is normal she does it to get her way well i wasn't giving in. This chick maybe about 18 or so had the balls to stand infornt of the entrance and wait while i was ignoring Sandra fit.. well i pick my daughter up to leave and this bitch looks at me mumbles but lough enough for me to hear and says maybe she is tired go home.. oh man I was like excuse me ?? do you have kids?? are you a mom?? I didn't think so .. and I walked away.. I dislike bitches like that. who the heck are they to say anything to me if they don't have kids at all. ahh those people make me laugh. I seem to run into them all the time but one thing I remember is they are not even close to better than me. :)


  1. I agree with you, it is no one's business but your own how you handle your own child when they throw a fit in a public setting. She should have kept her mouth shut. Your a strong woman, so I know girls like that don't sway you. Keep your head up dear! :)
