Friday, November 11, 2011


So my weight is 223 @ 5'4.5" tall. My waist is 41 inches my tummy is 46.5 " n my hips are 47". My goal is to lise ten lbs by the end of december if not more si a few inches lost as well.. Work out is kicking my butt already so the results should be goid . Wish me luck

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

To new changes

I am glad to sayI am finally getting back on the horse and getting back to an healthy weight for my body. Before my first pregnancy I was 180 then got to220 at the end of it. I manage to get to 160 in three months of having her andi was super excited. Well I enedup pregnant with my second and got to234 yup hated that. I am now 223 so I want to get to140. Iam not tatly proud of it but I am not going to sit here and boohoo about it. Tomorrow I plan on making a change. imado some crazy intervale intenst work outs for three months. For the next 7-8months I hope to be closeto my goal if not right on it. I owe it to y self and my goals tobe healthier then I am. My husband loves me the way am but id like to look different for me. I am truly blessed with the family and friends I have. Now it is time to do me. Wish me luck.

Friday, March 25, 2011

What goes up must ALWAYS come back down !

I do not get why people have to lie about things so serious to cover their ass. Serious O W N up to your shit cause the truth does not stay barried for long. I ALWAYS comes out ! Once you start lieing you have to come up with more lies to cover yourself.. it never works out in the end for no body. I do not get why I need to be accused of shit because someone could not just tell the truth to begin with regaurdless of the actions to come with it. Im just sick of hearing it and people are just to damn scared.. you want to play it off the way you want DO NOT go around telling EVERYONE your business and maybe your lies will stay a secert.. Thats all I can really say.

Other than that it is what it is.. Classes are on hold for me at the moment so we will see how that goes. I now have an account with a bank lol .. aren't i just special lol .. this should be a good thing for me but we will see. In the next four weeks to come I will have an ultra sound to determin the sex of my baby..YAY ! i really hope it is a boy this time. but as long as the baby is healthy I am good.. Its heartbeat was at 150 the other day at my appointment which I think was lower than sandras.. but we will see. I am def sick of jeans I really am.. I feel like I am suffocating in them.. they are too tight and i am too pregnant.. Im 16 weeks I think I am allowed to say that for this being my second pregnancy.. so far so good.. other than if i do not eat on time I get really sick to my stomach and nasuease.. this child liks to eat A LOT.. mommy can only eat a little at a time.. I have started walking to.. so I do not gain the extra weight that way when I do have the baby and I get the okay to start my work outs again I am going to cause I want to be at 135 - 140 .. I been at 160 after i had sandra for about 2 yrs then the weight just came back... blah but i will get there..

Sandra is starting to sleep in her bed with some help but not alot.. I just need to work on potty training her.. which seems to be easy since she likes the toliet. I swear she is just to smart for her own age.. shes like a 20 some yr old in a 2.5 yr old body lol.. she can say words that others 2. yr olds can not say clearly.. she can say her states.. I love her and I can not wait to see her be a Big Little sister to her soon to be new sibling who shes loves to death already <3

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Something to go with Katherine

So my fiance came up with Jovoni Matthew for a boy .. Keeping are fingers crossed cause we def want a boy this time around.. But if its a girl I am having the hardest time finding a spanish styled name to go with Katherine as the middle name. so far I have come up with these names.
Isabella Maria Katherine, Arianna Maria Katherine, Ahnaliesa Maria Katherine, Annabella Maria Katherine, Elianna Maria Katherine.

Hmm I guess we will see 14 weeks along so a few more weeks til I find out what gender the baby is.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Call me SKiTTLES ;)

Seriously I just do not get people and why they need to countiue running their mouths about me so much. & its not even new people it is the same miserable cunt who sits on her fat ass all day long on facebook and runs it.. now if she ran her legs as much as she ran her mouth she might not be a lazy miserable bitch. just saying. And since this is the only place I can vent with out being called IMMATURE.. or to GROW UP .. Ima vent and if no one likes it than kiss me hispanic white ass cause i do not give a flying whoot! SERIOUSLY why should anyone tell me to grow the fuck up and quit being immature.. when i STAND up for myself when others or the same lazy cow opens her mouth like she opens her legs and bust's my name out twenty four seven. Like really is your married motherhood life that boring or something.. YES WE DO NOT LIKE EACHOTHER..OKAY now move on and leave me the hell alone.. like i do not go around stalking ur page or talking shit about you on my facebook or to my pathitic little goonies( i love you my goonies dont take offense) I DONT.. my life is better than that. I am happy with my life and where it is.. i hate drama.. but when it goes to far hell ya imma stand up for myself and spit it.. and if you or anyone else doesnt like it that dont spit it first.I just don't get people.. like if u dont want me to say anything or to find out, how about u clean out your friends list.. cause im pretty sure the ones u have on ur list are my friends and not so much urs when im getting text msgs, or emails or ims saying well she said this or they show me what u said pyshicaly. like come on.. i have more eyes and ears in my friends cricle than u know. if anyone wants to talk shit about me how about you get the facts instead and stop talking finctional shit about me its getting old..oh thats right you do not know any facts about me so you gotta make it all up in your head.. ahhhh haters i swear...
My name really does taste good.. its like a burst of SKITTLES !!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Damn this CREDIT bullshit !

So today I went to check out this apartment that I am really into, well there is a wait list oh joy. They are cute the two bedroom is not all that great but the price is right and there is no lease.. So when we get there we find out credit is involed for the most part. Well I have no credit cause I choose not to have a bank account or credit cards.. my boyfriend has not so great credit... and because we have never rented before chances are we wont even get a call back which pisses me off cause someone has to start somewhere and if no one will rent to ppl like me how are we supposed to have experince. We can afford the rent he makes more a month than the rent is priced at. Rental places are so damn pickie about EVERYTHING like give us a break. Keeping my fingers crossed for a call because I really like the place. 30 buildings and 540 units total in a prefect location
I would not mind the trailer park that I looked into but the office lady is being a bitch saying some shit like she can only rent to a minium of 3 people in each trailer.. no children older that 3 years of age due to the fact that the homes sit on a old seweage line apperently... yuh im sure its lies.. A friend of a friend lives there with her Boyfriend and has his two kids there on the weekend.. so we will see

but now i got to go cause my child busted her piggie bank

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flimmakers, Gamer Manufactures v.s Parents

So this week in class we are dicussing reather or not Film makers & Game Manufactures should be held responsible for the violence they put out to other children or if its the Parents responsible to contorl it?
... So this was my response...

" After watching Bill Goodkoontz video dicussing the effects of violence on audiences and gamers I learned enough and was filled in on what I already knew for the most part. Film makers, game manufactures, etc. bear no responsibilty when it comes to depicting violence. When a young Child and or teenager plays a video game that has a whole lot of violence they eventually tend to memick what they see. There for when they hurt others in real life because of a game or movie the people who made them hold no responsibility for others actions after the game or movie is bought. Parents on the other hand hold alot of responsibility when they expouse or allow their children to these violent sources. When they are purchasing these games or movies for the children they are not thinking that they are going to do harm to others. Once their child does memick the game and or movie, and when they do harm others, the parents of that child are a hundred percent responsible in every way. We try to minimize the violence in this world for the children but film makers and game manufactures do not make it easier for anyone to cut the amount of violence children have to see. "

.. Some others say its not the manufactures fault or responsibility at all in any way.. To me it starts some where it does not need to live the studios at all but it does.. So I personall think they should hold some responsibility when them, them self's do not allow their own kids to watch or play the game or movie they put out ..